What can I tell you about me? Well, I am a 60-something wife and mother who lives in a hamlet in mid Wales. This is just something to introduce myself. After all, you don't know me from Frankenstein's monster. I have a husband, I have a daughter and I have two cats and a hen. Do you like cats? At one time we actually had seven cats in our house at one time! Mind you, three of those were kittens.

I'm afraid I'm really a boring person. I don't do much except go shopping, wash dishes, cook, build websites and make graphics. (I made the graphics in this site, by the way.) Ah yes, I am somewhat addicted to building websites and I have rather too many for one person.. My sites range from graphics to poetry, humour to science fiction, opera to chivalry. I have lots of interests: the kindest thing you could say about me is that I have a butterfly mind! And I like to explore those interests in websites.

Although I think of myself as Welsh by adoption, I am actually a Geordie, from the north-east of England. The two are very much alike though. I have lived in New Zealand for four years during my teens and I've visited Singapore, Lausanne, New Zealand, and Paris.

As I've made rather a lot of websets, I thought I'd try picking a few and seeing if they spark anything in the nature of a page on something or other. It's rather fun not knowing what i'm going to come up with.